We drove to Bishop's Lodge which is a pretty plush resort northeast of town. It sits on old ranch property and has been inhabited by several bishops over the years, the first one living there in the 1850's. There are several trails around the property and we decided to take a 5 mile loop. Unfortunately, the trail crossed a road at one point and we couldn't find the trail on the other side for about 20 minutes. We walked down the road very frustrated and when we didn't know what else to do, we walked back to where the trail met the road in the first place. On the way back, we stumbled across the trail, a little embarassed.
The trail climbs to a small peak above the Lodge with great views in all directions. It has been travelled so much over the decades, that it is really more of a trench than a trail. But that sure made it easy to find. We then walked around the hill back to the lodge - a total of over 6 miles.
9/13/08 - Bishops Lodge/Big Tesuque Creek
Length - 6+ miles
Elevation - 7,100-7,800
Grade - easy, briefly steep in spots
Scenery - B+, good along the creek, the high point had 360 degree views of the Jemez, Sandia, and Santa Fe mountains
Overall - the deep trench-like trail made for interesting hiking in some spots, the shaded creek was a cool retreat from the higher trails, the back side was not well marked but was easy to follow